Understanding Endometriosis

Lorna Driver-Davies, Nutritional Therapist & Head of Nutrition at Wild Nutrition  explains everything you need to know (from symptoms to solutions).

ADespite widespread confusion around the condition, endometriosis is thought to affect over 1 million women in the UK alone. So this Endometriosis Awareness Week (3rd-9th March), we spoke to the Head of Nutrition at Wild Nutrition (and an expert in the condition) to find out everything we need to know.

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What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects those with female anatomy. Cells that are similar to those found in the uterus, are found elsewhere - the most common places include the organs in the abdominal cavity such as the fallopian tubes or gut. During the female monthly cycle these cells  grow, then break down and bleed as they would in the lining of the womb leading to inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue. 1 in 10 women in the UK are diagnosed with the condition - which means the figure is potentially more - since diagnosis is very lengthy at an average of 7.5 years for a diagnosis. This is because there is no simple one-step test and diagnosis is very often only definitive via surgery (sometimes scans can show it too). 

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

- Bladder pain and urine infections
- Painful periods but this pain is markedly different to normal period pain.
- Pain is also experienced at other times of the month not during actual menstruation.
- Painful sex (during or after)
- Gastrointestinal issues including IBS
- Fertility issues

Other symptoms include:
- Fatigue that can become exhaustion and even become chronic fatigue
- Inflammatory symptoms such as painful joints or movement
- Low mood, brain fog and lack of mental clarity
- Gut issues - bloating, infection, constipation
- Hormonal imbalances
- Feeling unwell, run down, slow to heal and prone to infection
- Autoimmune conditions  

How can you treat endometriosis?

Conventional treatment includes surgical and medical (prescribed medication or hormones). 

What is the best supplement for endometriosis?

Our Food Grown Endo Complex is specially designed for those suffering with the condition. It’s necessary to support the balance of oestrogen (and help lower inflammation) and the Endo Complex assists with this. It may also reduce fatigue, decrease inflammation, improve mood, improve detoxification and increase immune support which are all commonly reported symptoms of endometriosis. We would also recommend Turmaforte, Omega 3 and Immune Support.

Naturisimo Team Spotlight: Gemma (Our Operations Manager)'s Endo Journey

"I've always suffered with heavy and painful periods. For years I was in and out of hospital with IBS, infections and other issues. About 6 years passed and my symptoms only got worse. I would have about 3 days in the month where I wasn't in pain. Eventually I was diagnosed with endometriosis and cysts. I had surgery to have these removed but I'm pleased to say I went on to have a very healthy 2 year old."

"My top tips would be to push your doctor for a test if you suspect something. For coping with it, avoiding sugar and alcohol helps me. I'm also now taking the Wild Nutrition Endo Complex as it provides me with iron and magnesium that I find really help my symptoms."

What are the best ways to deal with endometriosis?

In order to support the complexities of this condition (i.e.: healthy menstruation cycles, hormone balance, healthy mood and energy) it’s important to consider all lifestyle factors including nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress and anxiety management. Our priorities can change through the seasons and so rating each of these areas and checking in with yourself or a professional can help to identify areas which need some focus. 

Are endometriosis and fibroids the same?

No. Symptomatic endometriosis and uterine fibroids can appear together but they are not the same. Smooth and usually non-cancerous muscle tumours growing within the uterus are known as fibroids. Whilst abnormal tissue, created from the uterus is endometriosis. This tissue can be found in areas across the body including, more commonly, the reproductive organs, bowel and bladder but also in more obscure places such as the nostrils.

Can you ever cure endometriosis?

There's no cure for endometriosis but symptoms can be managed and even lessened. During fertility treatment, pregnancy and breastfeeding symptoms can drastically reduce and women can confuse this with a disappearance of the condition. This is purely because the hormonal state of the body has changed. We always recommend you speak to your doctor if you have any concerns.

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